Wednesday, February 5, 2014

GNC Information about Herbals

Health Food Store Information: GNC at Briarwood Mall
Compiled by Kayla Hardie

Herbal #1: St John’s Wort
Claims of what this product could be used for: Depression
Safety issues: An individual needs to worry about dose with regards to taking too much. I asked if he could explain, and he said that is when you can get side effects.
Knowledge level of the employee about this product: The employee seemed to have the very basic knowledge of St. John’s wort. He know of the most popular indication or use, but for the safety issue question, he gave a broad answer.

Herbal #2: Cranberry
Claims of what this product could be used for: Urinary health for women
Safety issues: He said he could not think of any safety issues off memory.
Knowledge level of the employee about this product: Very similar to St. John’s wort, the employee knew the most popular use of cranberry but nothing more specific.

Herbal #3: Garlic
Claims of what this product could be used for: The employee said it is an antioxidant typically used in immune health, so if a person is sick, they will take it to boost their immunity.
Safety issues: Some people may be allergic to garlic.
Knowledge level of the employee about this product: Very similar to St. John’s wort and Cranberry, the employee knew the most popular use of cranberry but nothing more specific.

Note: For my own personal interest, I asked the employee if they had fish oil products with varying levels of mercury based on brand, and he seemed confused as to what mercury was.

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